Key figures
M€ of turnover in 2023
MW built since 2001
MW fully owned
GWh produced in 2023
workers in France and Africa
Our expertise
At InnoVent, we ensure all the creation steps of our wind and solar farms.
We develop, research, define and circumscribe potentially favourable sites for hosting wind and solar farms in France and Africa.
Searching and finding funding is crucial. We internally ensure this step in the development of our farms.
With our subsidiaries, we run our wind and solar projects.
Exploitation /maintenance
Throughout the operation of our wind farms, we ensure an availability of more than 95% of our machines.
Our activities
Wind power does not emit CO2 and is today an indispensable alternative to nuclear power and fossil energy.

Solar is Africa’s future energy and is the solution for it to meet its energy needs while limiting its ecological impact.
Charging station
Rossini Energy, company created by Luca Rossini, partnered with InnoVent in 2018 to create the perfect alliance between renewable energies and electrical energy storage.

Created in 2012 and associated to InnoVent since 2015,Nénufar allows farmers owning a digestate or manure storage pit not ccovered to make the most of the energy generated by the naturally produced biogas.
Offgrid stations
Batrica addresses the electricity needs of rural and peri-urban populations in Chad by offering a rental service for small batteries recharged using photovoltaic energy.

Diaz: InnoVent’s second Namibian wind farm
InnoVent is building a 11 turbines wind farm on the Atlantic coast of Namibia as part of an ambitious national policy to enhance energy independence and decarbonization.InnoVent in Namibia: 26 MW in Operation Since 2015 Active in Namibia since 2011, the InnoVent...
InnoVent ventures into solar roofing in China
InnoVent's Solar Rooftop Park in China By the end of 2022, InnoVent ventured into the Chinese solar rooftop market and currently possesses six installations. These six facilities are situated in the Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces, with each park comprising solar...
Boralex vs. InnoVent: When a mountain gives birth to a mouse
By a judgment dated April 20, 2021, the Commercial Court of Lille Métropole had ordered InnoVent and its president Grégoire Verhaeghe to pay Boralex fifty million six hundred ninety-five thousand one hundred twenty-seven euros (€50,695,127), with provisional...